The strong easterlies continued, and as did the rain, making for another migrant packed day. Good numbers of birds of prey were also about again, though they did make life difficult when they kept flushing large flocks of birds as they cruised over.
The highlight of the day was a year tick in the form of a Golden Oriole that was seen briefly when it was flushed from a corner of Holland gardens. It landed in some sycamore before being flushed once again, this time by two Sparrowhawks, causing it to fly east out the garden toward the Old Mill area. Despite much searching, the bird could not be re-found, but hopefully the wet weather will keep it on the island. It proved to be a good day for Wryneck, with three on the island in total, one at Antabreck, one at Scottsha, and the bird that remained in the obs area. The west coast was once again a hot spot for migrants, with three Curlew Sandpiper, one Greenshank, twenty-two Willow Warblers, three Whinchat, seven Pied Flycatcher, one Song Thrush, one Spotted Flycatcher, one Reed Warbler, one Robin, and five Redstart between the Bothy and the Shooting Gallery. Elsewhere there was a Chiffchaff at Gretchen, Redstart at Gretchen and Cursitter, a Curlew Sandpiper at Ancum, Whinchat at Ancum, the school and two at Sugarhouse, a Pied Flycatcher at the Surgery, a Tree Pipit at the airfield, and an unstreaked acro sp in the Kirbest ditch.
Birds of prey that have been about the island include Short-eared Owl, Merlin, Hen Harrier, Buzzard, Kestrel and Sparrowhawk.
Willow Warbler - GG |
Wryneck - MH |
Curlew Sandpiper - TG |