20th and 21st June

Again, still pretty quiet as befits the season with few new migrants to mention, the 20th was nice and warm with a decreasing westerly breeze; a Quail was again around the Obs while offshore 15 Manx Shearwaters, a few Storm Petrels and good numbers of Auks (high proportion of Puffins) passed the seawatch hide.   Overnight, the first Storm Petrel ringing session (slightly ambitious as it didnā€™t really ever get dark!) produced just two birds in the nets but the first Leachā€™s Petrel of the year was flying around, calling back to the tape but avoided the nets.

Three Dunlin have been displaying over the summer but there's been no evidence that its progressed further than that...we're still looking though!

                The weather changed the following day as it was overcast with a brisk SE wind; 2 Swifts and a Spotted Flycatcher were new in along with 3 Collared Doves while 32 Knot, 26 Dunlin and 2 Golden Plover were at Westness.   Breeding birds are of course taking our focus at the moment with Arctic Terns, Black Guillemots starting to hatch, Redshank, Oystercatchers and Lapwings taking their first flights and at least 90 Black-headed Gulls are fledging from two sites.
Shoveler chick

Eight Great Black-backed Gull chicks from three nests have now been ringed,   photos Simon Davies
