6th and 7th June

A couple of wet, horrible days came as a bit of a shock for us and the breeding birds after the recent long spell of fine weather; the 6th was almost a write-off with driving rain and strong winds most of the day with 3 Red-throated and 2 Great-northern Divers offshore and 60 Sanderling the pick of the wader counts while in Holland the Woodpigeon, Collared Dove flock and lonely male Chaffinch lingered on.

Knot are still present in numbers

                An improving picture on the 7th with most of the heavy rain moving through by mid-morning and the winds gradually easing with the highlight being out overdue first 2 Red-backed Shrikes of the year ā€“ females at the Post Office and at Holland while 2 Spotted Flycatchers and a Willow Warbler were also new in; 7 Sand Martins and the various Holland pigeony things were also of note.

                A few random waders also appeared showing a still noticeable turnover of birds passing through with 3 Grey Plover and 2 Bar-tailed Godwits the highlights with 129 Knot (unprecedented numbers lingering into June) and 55 Sanderling.
Spotted Flycatcher,   photos Simon Davies
