8th and 9th June
After an overcast, breezy start a fine day with warm
sunshine and light winds broke out with a fine array of late spring scarce
migrants across the island; first up was a fine male Ortolan Bunting found along the road at Parkhouse which showed well
to everyone followed by an equally fine adult male Common Rosefinch singing his heart out in Holland and then 2 Red-backed Shrikes with females at
Ancum and in a mist net at Holland.
migrants included a Quail singing at
Longar, a Collared Dove, 5 Sand Martins, 2 Lesser Whitethroats, a new Sedge
Warbler trapped at Holland, a Chiffchaff, a Siskin and a Common Redpoll while
also of note was a large influx of 80+ Red Admirals with a few Painted Ladies
and Silver Yās. The Black-throated
Diver reappeared in Nouster with a Red-throated and 2 Great-northern Divers
while waders included single Golden Plover and Whimbrel, 8 Bar-tailed Godwits
and 3 Black-tailed Godwits.
Common Rosefinch
were high for a few more nice bits and pieces on the 9th but this
was largely spoilt by the brisk northerly wind bringing with it driving rain
and low cloud which gradually turned to drizzle and didnāt die out until late
afternoon. The Ortolan Bunting was still present as was the Ancum Red-backed Shrike while 3 Quail included birds singing at Longar and Burray with another flushed from Waterhouse.
birds of note comprised a female Garganey
on Ancum Loch, a Spotted Flycatcher, 3 Sand Martins, 14 Bar-tailed Godwits, a
Grey Plover and 62 Sanderling.
Red-backed Shrike
Brute of a Great Black-backed Gull chick, photos Simon Davies