2nd and 3rd June

A lovely day on the 2nd with light winds after a damp start; the Short-toed Lark was seen briefly but well first thing in the same field south of Holland but soon disappeared not to be seen again while there was a selection of odds and ends to keep us entertained including the Little Stint still on Gretchen, the non-breeding Curlew Sandpiper in the STL field, the lingering Barnacle Goose at the north end and the Black-throated Diver again in Nouster with 2 Great-northern and 4 Red-throated Divers.  

Other birds also consisted of long stayers with 6 Collared Doves, a Woodpigeon, the Garden Warbler in Holland, a House Martin and 3 Chiffchaffs while counts of 108 Knot and 150 Sanderling illustrated that the waders are lingering on the island much later than is typical ā€“ although these flocks contained very few full breeding plumaged birds.

Arctic Tern,   photo Simon Davies

Another lovely, warm day on the 3rd was quieter for new arrivals although a little, late influx of at least 6 Spotted Flycatchers was notable along with 10 Sand Martins, a few new waders including a Black-tailed Godwit, 12 Bar-tailed Godwits and 6 Whimbrel and some Red Admirals and Painted Ladies.   The Black-throated Diver was still in Nouster Bay.

The day was saved later on however, when a Firecrest was trapped in Holland during the evening ringing session ā€“ rare at any time of year up here on the Northern Isles but a June record is unheard of; Collared Doves were up to 10 as well!

A Firecrest...in June!
Fledgling Blackbird

Large flocks of waders are lingering late in the summer,   photos Simon Davies
