22nd-23rd April

 The warm weather and light winds continued and migrant numbers have seemed pretty steady over the past couple of days. The drake Garganey was still present on Hooking, a lone Arctic Skua was on Torness. The nets at Holland produced a new and re-trap Robin, a Chiffchaff and a Goldcrest. The previous days female Chaffinch was also in the gardens and a female Brambling was around T1 in the late evening. A group of 9 Carrion Crow were seen cruising around the island, a Common Buzzard made a brief appearance at the North End and the 3 White-fronted Geese were still near Peckhole. The 23rd started with an island wide Eider and Ringed Plover which produced good totals of both species. It was that end of the count that produced the bird of day in the shape of a Wryneck! It's one of the earliest records for here and of course made us wonder what else was out there, a increase in Chiffchaff numbers saw the island total increase to 8 birds, a male Blackcap was at Cursitter, a female Sparrowhawk was flushed from near T2 before hanging around the South end of the island and a total of 33 Sand Martins were around the Links in the afternoon. A small pod of 3 Risso's Dolphins were also seen heading North in the morning. 



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