3rd - 4th April
Highlights from the 3rd included the 4 Whooper Swan still, a Pink-footed Goose still, a Goldeneye, the Black-throated Diver still, a possible adult female American x Eurasian Wigeon hybrid, the first 2 Sandwich Tern of the year, 4 Woodpigeon, the Wheatear still, 9 Redwing and 5 Snow Bunting.
possible adult female American x Eurasian Wigeon. Aged and sexed by white trailing edge to secondaries and extensive white on upperwing. Dusky underwing and lack of broad black tips to greater coverts rule out pure American but whitish pale-centered greater, median and lesser coverts forming a 'male-like' oval pattern on upperwing indicator of American, though perhaps within extreme variation of Eurasian. Strong black mask and the rather cold grey area at front of head, which contrasts with the darker spotted breast, supportive of American too though some Eurasian can show similar. Any comments welcome.
Highlights from the 4th included the 4 Whooper Swan still, the 4 Woodpigeon still, 8 Redwing and 3 Wheatear.
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