8th - 9th April

 Highlights from the 8th included a Pink-footed Goose, a Sandwich Tern, an increase of 5 Wheatear and 4 Redwing.

Highlights from the 9th included a BrĆ¼nnich's Guillemot which flew north-west past the seawatching hide at Dennishead early afternoon, one of the White-billed Diver still, 2 Little Auk, 1 Sooty Shearwater (North Ronaldsay's earliest ever), 1 Manx Shearwater, 3 Blue Fulmar (all dark type birds), 1107 Puffin, 3321 Razorbill/Guillemot, 1627 Fulmar, the Sandwich Tern still and a Song Thrush. 

BrĆ¼nnich's Guillemot with Common Guillemots (rear bird in all the pics). Note jizz (overall compact bird - neckless, rounded belly, short rear end, peaked forehead), projecting feet, blackness of upperparts (the Common Guillemots it was with were obviously brownish in the field, this bird was 'Razorbill-black') and bill shape (thick base leading to a point, there's even a hint of a pale tomium in several of the images). 

two of the three Blue Fulmar which passed the seawatching hide during a 9 hour seawatch. These birds are 'svalbard dark'. 


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