18th August
Torrid conditions, with a strong easterly wind and heavy rain all day made the birding difficult but as there were clearly plenty of birds about the team put in a fair effort despite being soaked all day. An impressive 'fall' was evident from dawn and the days totals of passerines comprised a Wryneck (Obs), a Tree Pipit, Redstart, 5 Whinchats, 3 Reed Warblers, 2 Barred Warblers (Obs, Westness), 2 Wood Warblers (Obs, Rue), 22 Willow Warblers 2 Pied and a Spotted Flycatcher. The American Golden Plover was still near the Lighthouse, there were also 53 Ruffs, 11 Whimbrels, 9 Common Sandpipers, a good count of 419 Common Gulls plus 3 Kestrels bombing about. There was also the sight of 7 Painted Lady Butterfly's on the wing which was somewhat unexpected given the rain and they presumably arrived along with the birds.
Willow Warbler (photo George Gay)
Pied Flycatcher (photo George Gay)
Peregrine (photo Stephen Rutt)