3rd to 4th August
The autumn's just starting so we weren't really all that surprised that the rain and south-east winds on the 3rd only brought a few birds. The weather at least offered encouragement and the teams rewards consisted of the first Garden Warbler and Spotted Flycatcher of the autumn while there was a clear increase in Wheatears and Pied Wagtails with a few White Wagtails and unidentified 'alba's also on the move. Grounded waders included 9 Ruffs, 4 Green and a Common Sandpiper and Arctic Skuas have begun to pass in numbers with 14 logged. In brighter conditions and a stronger, more southerly wind on 4th there was an unexpected, yet impressive passage of southbound Knot with a minimum of 301 birds - most of which didn't even land! 23 Arctic Skuas also included pairs moving straight through while 280 Sanderlings, 12 Ruff and 2 Green Sandpipers opted to touch-down on the island. A Woodpigeon was new, while 2 Spotted Flycatchers included yesterdays individual with a new one at Trinley and there were 2 Common Redpolls at Ancum Willows.
Ruffs (photos Gavin Woodbridge)