29th August
Plenty of birds on the move again in a light south-easterly wind and once more it was diurnal migrants which dominated. Totals of 173 Wheatears, 10 White Wagtails (with 18 unidentified 'alba' Wagtails), 206 Meadow Pipits, 245 Swallows and 116 Swifts were all highest counts of the autumn so far for those species. The Ruff record was broken once again when 144 (143 of them in one field!) were counted while the Curlew Sandpiper reappeared on Trolla Vatn Loch and 2 Greenshank and a Wood Sandpiper lingered in the south east of the isle. After seemingly moved on, a new build up of Arctic Terns has brought their number up to 110 and with them there are 6 Common Terns and the evening concentration of Kittiwakes in Nouster bay grew again to an impressive 402 - most of them juveniles. The Marsh Harrier and a couple of Kestrels continue to tour the island while some effort by visiting sea-watchers recorded the first 'blue' phase Fulmar of the autumn along with a Sooty Shearwater and 2 Manx Shearwaters.
Redstart (photo Stephen Rutt)
Wheatear (photo Mark Warren)
Knot (photo Stephen Rutt)