22nd August

Coverage was sacrificed somewhat today with the annual ringing of the isles young Fulmars around the coastline sourcing around 12 hours man (trainee ringer) time. All in all, 120 (130 total in 2015) were fitted with BTO rings, which was down on the 157 ringed from the same total area in 2014 reflecting a poorer year for the population as we'd largely suspected. A couple of census routes were visited with the noted highlights being the Booted Warbler at Nether Linnay still, 2 Barred Warblers, an Icterine Warbler plus the Marsh Harrier. A gathering of 45 Swifts was comfortably the highest count for some years while there were also 2 Fieldfares, a new Grasshopper Warbler at Greenwall, 4 Reed Warblers (3 of which were trapped at Holland), 7 Garden Warblers, a Wood Warbler at Holland, 34 Willow Warblers and 2 each of Pied and Spotted Flycatchers. Singles of Woodpigeon and Collared Dove were the first in a while, with other species in numbers worth mentioning being 60 Black-tailed Godwits, 7 Common Sandpipers and 3 Common Terns.

 Booted Warbler (all 3 photos by Stephen Rutt)

 Kestrel (photo George Gay)
Swift (photo George Gay)
