26th August

With favourable conditions, migrants continue to move through the island in good numbers and the birding remains exciting. We'll begin with waders for a change - this years Ruff passage has been one of the highlights with very high numbers all month and today the 'day total record' was finally broken with a minimum of 125 present. The 3 Wood Sandpipers also remain, with 63 Black-tailed Godwits and 2 Greenshanks also of note. Passerine highlights included 3 Icterine Warblers (lingering birds at Westness, Obs and Holland), 2 Barred Warblers (old birds at Holland and Nether Linnay), 2 Wrynecks (North Manse and Holland-the latter sadly died) and 2 Rosefinches (Holland and West Beach). There was also the first conspicuous movement of Meadow Pipits with 184 noted plus 2 Fieldfares, 5 or 6 each of Garden Warbler, Lesser Whitethroat, Whitethroat and Reed Warbler, 79 Willow Warblers, 2 Wood Warblers, a Tree Sparrow and 10 Redpolls. An adult and juvenile Lesser-black-backed Gulls were the first for 2 weeks, both Marsh Harriers are still with us along with 4 Kestrels, 2 Merlins and a Peregrine.

 Wood Warbler (photo Stephen Rutt)ļ»æ
Marsh Harrier (photo George Gay)
