21st August
And still they come!! The birding can only be described as fantastic (and exhausting) at the moment as migrants, scarcities and even a rarity were found today. Star of the show was North Ronaldsay's fourth ever BOOTED WARBLER discovered at Nether Linnay (and co-found by new volunteer Jonathan on his very first day!!). Initially the bird was mobile and elusive moving as far as Sandar but had showed well to all by evening. There was backup by 2, presumed new Icterine Warblers (at Nether Linnay and Westness), 2 Barred Warblers (including a new bird at Rue), the lingering American Golden Plover and the Marsh Harrier. Despite some migrant passerines having perhaps moved on there was still plenty to see with 54 Willow Warblers, 10 Garden Warblers, another Grasshopper Warbler (Nether Linnay), Reed Warbler, 9 Whinchats, 3 Redstarts, 2 Spotted Flycatchers, 9 Pied Flycatchers, a Tree Sparrow and 8 Redpolls counted. A total of 10 Greenshanks included many heading straight over south, and there were 168 Knot, 3 Wood Sandpipers and 3 Common Terns also seen. Migrant Painted Lady Butterflys were cropping up everywhere with at least 54 noted along with 10 Red Admirals.
Booted Warbler (photo Stephen Rutt)
Booted Warbler (photo Mark Warren)