28th August

A day of bright skies and sunshine didn't feel like it would deliver much in the way of new arrivals especially after the morning ringing session at Holland gardens yielded a single re-trap Garden Warbler! However we were proved wrong when a smart (and occasionally vocal) Greenish Warbler appeared in the Surgery garden just before midday-our second of the year and the tenth island record. Otherwise a Blackcap and Tree Pipit were new and there was a smattering of 'old' warblers which included a Wood Warbler at Holland and 2 Reed Warblers. At least 51 Swifts were logged and Ruff numbers were again in three figures with 111 recorded. The Marsh Harrier and female Sparrowhawk from yesterday also remain.

Greenish Warbler (top 2 photos by Sam Northwood)

Greenish Warbler (photo George Gay) 
Greenish Warbler (photo Stephen Rutt)
