10th September
A presumed citrine wagtail heard and seen flying towards the Links was unfortunately not relocated, but a good selection of migrants made for an enjoyable day. A new wryneck was at Sennes, the ringed common rosefinch was again at Holland and a turtle dove along the West side was only the second of the year. Notable passerine totals included 19 redstart, 14 pied flycatcher, 10 whinchat, 6 spotted flycatcher and 8 tree pipit. 18 robin were mostly in the North, single reed warblers were seen by the airstrip and at Ancum, whilst other counts were of 21 willow warbler, 2 goldcrest, 3 blackcap, 5 garden warbler and a song thrush was on the Lurn. Singles of hen harrier and peregrine were spotted and new waders comprised of a spotted redshank flying past Gretchen, a greenshank at Westness and a grey plover on the Links. 
