14th September
Slight decrease in numbers today but still excellent birding. Scarcities left over from yesterday were a wryneck at Nether Linnay, icterine warbler at Westness and common rosefinch by Burray, with a new common rosefinch by the caravan at the Observatory and a barred warbler at Nether Linnay was new. Redstart remained as the commonest notable migrant with 58, at least 2 flava wagtails were still present and a wood warbler was at Ancum. Other counts included 23 robin, 23 whinchat, 34 song thrush, 51 willow warbler, 21 pied flycatcher, 16 spotted flycatcher, 24 garden warbler, 8 blackcap, 9 tree pipit, 5 goldcrest, 4 lesser whitethroat, 2 whitethroat and 2 sedge warbler. The grasshopper warbler was still present at the Lighthouse, an extra reed warbler on yesterday took the total to 5 birds and a redwing was at Sandar. Finches are on the increase with 49 chaffinch and 16 siskin at Nether Linnay, a woodpigeon was seen in the south along with a sparrowhawk and minimum of 4 kestrel were seen. Just 1 little stint could be found at the North end and a common sandpiper was on the shore at Twingness.
