13th September
An outstanding day for common passerines today, but with only 4 observers covering just three fifths of the island the true totals must have been much greater. Finally a scattering of scarce birds appeared amongst the common with single wrynecks at Tor Ness and Westness, common rosefinch at Burray, an icterine warbler at Westness and wood warblers at Nether Linnay and Verracot. The most notable high count of the day was redstart with 69, but 17 tree pipit and 31 whinchat were both excellent counts by recent years standards. Other increased counts on recent days were 47 song thrush, 68 willow warbler, 37 garden warbler, 33 blackcap, 27 robin, 21 spotted flycatcher, 22 pied flycatcher and 4 goldcrest. 4 reed warbler was an excellent count of a usually uncommon migrant, and of similar island status 2 flava wagtails are well worth a mention, with one bird at least appearing to belong to the race thunbergi. Bulking up the day list are 4 lesser whitethroat, 5 whitethroat, 2 chiffchaff, and 2 shouts of locustella were both typically grasshopper warblers. The 2 juvenile little stints had moved to the North end, a sparrowhawk was seen over Westness and finches included 5 chaffinch and the first 4 siskin of the Autumn.
