15th September
The icterine warbler remained at Westness and both common rosefinches were still present at Burray and the Observatory. Chaffinch numbers had risen to 115, mostly in the Nether Linnay area, but little change elsewhere and seemingly little in the way of new arrivals. 3 flava wagtails were still at the North of the island, the turtle dove was seen again at Westness and a lapland bunting was with house sparrows at Holland. Warblers today included 4 whitethroat, 6 lesser whitethroat, 3 reed warbler, 24 blackcap, 22 garden warbler and 37 willow warbler. 5 kestrel was definitely a conservative count, redstart remained in good numbers with 38, and other migrants tallied up at 16 robin, 28 whinchat, 28 song thrush, 13 spotted flycatcher and 18 pied flycatcher. 912 golden plover is the highest count this month, a fieldfare was at Kirbest and 2 common sandpiper were seen.
