20th September
The CRETZSCHMAR'S BUNTING was still at Sangar at first light, remaining in the general area throughout the day and eventually 'ticked' by all arriving by plane or boat. With most of the day spent sorting transport and tracking the bunting, there was very little coverage elsewhere on the island. The few birds that were noted included a juvenile red-backed shrike by the Observatory, 1 swift, 1 redstart, 3 song thrush, 2 spotted flycatcher and 1 pied flycatcher and 85 chaffinch. The first whooper swans of the Autumn flew south along the East coast followed by 34 pink-footed geese, a jack snipe was seen at Ancum Loch, 280 sanderling were roosting on the Links and 2 arctic terns are still hanging on in Nouster Bay.
