18th september
A male hawfinch was trapped at Holland in the morning and yesterdays juvenile pectoral sandpiper had settled on Bewan Loch with 7 little stints. An osprey spent the morning in the North and other birds of prey were a sparrowhawk, a merlin and a minimum of 4 kestrel. A common rosefinch at Holland was later by the Mill and an icterine warbler was nearby at the School. A new barred warbler appeared in the irises at Westness were a short-eared owl and a swift were also seen. The turtle dove was seen again in the North whilst a common sandpiper remained in the South. Common migrants still present included 34 willow warbler, 14 garden warbler, 13 blackcap, 3 whitethroat, 2 lesser whitethroat, 20 whinchat, 22 redstart, 2 tree pipit, 26 song thrush, 10 pied flycatcher, 6 spotted flycatcher, 19 robin and 4 goldcrest. 51 chaffinch were feeding in the stubble field at Nether Linnay and other finches were singles of crossbill, meally redpoll and siskin.
