1st September
A small arrival of migrants today including 2 marsh warblers and an icterine warbler. 40 skylark near Kirbest were new and the first goldcrest of the autumn was in Holland. The rostrata redpoll was still around and common migrants were represented by 21 willow warbler, 8 garden warbler, 4 pied flycatcher and singles of robin, whinchat and chiffchaff. 7 whimbrel flew over and the grey plover was still in Nouster Bay, in Linklet Bay were 3 each of great northern diver and red-throated diver. A much busier day on the sea with over 2000 fulmars passing through, 13 sooty shearwater, 3 manx shearwater and 55 storm petrel.
A minke whale and a ocean sunfish were seen in the North and a basking shark was in Linklet

A minke whale and a ocean sunfish were seen in the North and a basking shark was in Linklet
